All Versions#

This page lists all the library versions.

See our versioning policy below.


Version 1#

Version 0#

  • Documentation not available.

Versioning Policy#

Versioning is done in the form of MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, and we adhere to Semantic Versioning. Specifically, our version policy is as follows:

Bug fix

Anything, including new feature, bug fix, optimisation, refactoring

Backwards compatible

Increment PATCH or higher

Increment MINOR or higher

Not backwards compatible

Increment MAJOR

Increment MAJOR

In short, a user should be able to run any code with the same MAJOR version without requiring any change in setup, code, and/or input.

Note that we only guarantee the stability of public APIs that are described in the API section. For example:

  • akkits.TrackletReceiver is also importable or accessible via akkits.receivers.TrackletReceiver, but only akkits.TrackletReceiver is documented. Hence, akkits.receivers.TrackletReceiver may change without notice as long as akkits.TrackletReceiver remains accessible.

  • akkits._Receiver is a private class that may change without notice.