
This section describes how to use the SDK.

Please complete all the setup steps given in Setup if you haven’t done so.


Example scripts to demonstrate the use of our SDK.

Single Upstream (one-to-one)#

This is the simplest scenario where you are only interested in messages from a single upstream process.

Run the following steps for a demo:

  • Method 1:

    1. In a terminal, run sender_health

    2. In another terminal, run receiver_health

  • Method 2:

    1. In a terminal, run python3 -m akkits.scripts.examples.sender_health

    2. In another terminal, run python3 -m akkits.scripts.examples.receiver_health


You can also run

  • sender_tracklet + receiver_tracklet

  • sender_point_cloud + receiver_point_cloud

Multiple Upstreams (many-to-one)#

This is a scenario where you are interested in messages from multiple upstream processes (tracklets, health status, etc).

Here, we use a zmq.Poller so that we can effectively receive data from multiple sockets / publishers without resorting to using a sleep function which might lead to busy-loop. See this and this for more explanations.

Run the following steps for a demo:

  • Method 1:

    1. In a terminal, run sender_health

    2. In another terminal, run sender_tracklet

    3. In another terminal, run receiver_tracklet_health

  • Method 2:

    1. In a terminal, run python3 -m akkits.scripts.examples.sender_health

    2. In another terminal, run python3 -m akkits.scripts.examples.sender_tracklet

    3. In another terminal, run python3 -m akkits.scripts.examples.receiver_tracklet_health

Mocking Fusion Box Error Codes#

Scripts that allow you to mock various faults and send out error codes. Each of these scripts will continue to run forever until a KeyboardInterrupt (Ctrl+C) is issued or it is killed.

Faulty Fusion Controller#

You can send health status messages with specific status codes for DeviceStatus, AlgoStatus, SensorStatus by running:

  • Method 1:

    $ mock_faulty_fusion_controller --device_status <code> --algo_status <code> --sensor_status <code>   
  • Method 2:

    $ python3 src/akkits/scripts/mock/ --device_status <code> --algo_status <code> --sensor_status <code>   

The script will send out a health status heartbeat approximately every one second that contains the specified status codes.

For example:

  • All Normal (default):

    $ mock_faulty_fusion_controller
  • DeviceStatus.OutOfStorage, AlgoStatus.Error, SensorStatus.None_:

    $ mock_faulty_fusion_controller --device_status 2 --algo_status 3 --sensor_status 0   

Faulty LiDAR Sensor#

You can simulate a faulty sensor connection by running:

  • Method 1 (If you have installed akkits package):

    $ mock_faulty_lidar
  • Method 2 (If you have clone the repository):

    $ python3 src/akkits/scripts/mock/

The script will send out a health status heartbeat approximately every one second.

  • Upon starting the script, heartbeats will be sent out with SensorStatus.Normal. At the same time, the user is prompted for an input in the terminal.

  • If any input is received, the heartbeats will switch to SensorStatus.LostConnection, and the user will be prompted again.

  • If any input is received, the heartbeats will switch back to SensorStatus.Normal, and the user will be prompted again.

  • This process is repeated.

Output Tracklets Messages#

You can simulate fusion box tracklet message output by running:

  • Method 1 (If you have installed akkits package):

    $ mock_tracklet_message
  • Method 2 (If you have clone the repository):

    $ python3 src/akkits/scripts/mock/


Recording Point Cloud#

You can record the point cloud message from fusion box by running:

  • Method 1 (If you have installed akkits package):

    $ record_point_cloud --ip_addr <ip/address/of/fusion/box> --ext <.pkl/or/.bin> --output_dir <path/to/store/recorded/files>
  • Method 2 (If you have clone the repository):

    $ python3 src/akkits/scripts/tools/ --ip_addr <ip/address/of/fusion/box> --ext <.pkl/or/.bin> --output_dir <path/to/store/recorded/files>

If ext is set to .pkl, it stores the whole point cloud messages within a single .pkl file at directory path specified in output_dir argument.

If ext is set to .bin, it only stores the point_cloud fields which is an array of floats in a point cloud message as a binary file at directory path specified in output_dir argument. Multiple point cloud messages are stored into separate binary files with filenames recorded as the unix timestamp of the point cloud message. It also generates a metadata files with <unix_timstampe>_metadata.txt. The contains the number of attributes (excluding x,y,z) and the number of columns to reshape the binary into shape (-1, column_count).

Recording Tracklet#

You can record the tracklet message from fusion box by running:

  • Method 1 (If you have installed akkits package):

    $ record_tracklet --ip_addr <ip/address/of/fusion/box> --output_dir <path/to/store/recorded/file>
  • Method 2 (If you have clone the repository):

    $ python3 src/akkits/scripts/tools/ --ip_addr <ip/address/of/fusion/box> --output_dir <path/to/store/recorded/file>

Replay Tracklet#

You can replay the recorded tracklet message from fusion box by running:

  • Method 1 (If you have installed akkits package):

    $ mock_tracklet_message --ip_addr <targeted/ip/address> --output_dir <path/storing/recorded/file>
  • Method 2 (If you have clone the repository):

    $ python3 src/akkits/scripts/tools/ --ip_addr <targeted/ip/address> --output_dir <path/to/storing/recorded/file>